3 Things To Know About Yorkies Before You Get One

21 June 2021
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog


If you are looking for a small dog breed that will be happy to see you at the end of the day, you might want to consider going with a Yorkshire Terrier. They can be adorable dogs and the right choice for you. If you have seen Yorkie puppies for sale near you and are thinking about getting one of these dogs, you need to make sure that you do some research before to ensure you are making the right choice. 

Tiny Bodies

You need to know that the tiny bodies of the Yorkies mean that all their organs are small, including their bladder. If you are going to be gone for several hours, you may want to arrange to have someone come in and let your dogs out or train them to use pee pads as well as peeing outside. This is especially true when your dog is a puppy and is already going to have a hard time not having accidents. 

Terrier Personality

Yorkies may now be primarily companion dogs that are pampered, but the fact is that they are still a terrier. They started as working dogs in mills and mines. Their little size made it easy for them to squeeze into small corners, nooks, and weird crannies to chase rats and mice. The modern Yorkshire terrier still has the terrier personality that allowed their ancestors to do those jobs. That means that they are playful, cheerful, and active. The average Yorkie also tends to think that they are much larger than they actually are, making them both brave and fearless. You can help with these things by having toys that your Yorkie can chase after and pretend to hunt. You also need to make sure that you take them for walks and that they are always leashed to don't try to go after things that are bigger than them. 

Low Shedding

It may shock you to know that Yorkies actually don't shed all that much, especially when you look at all their hair. One reason is that their fur is a lot more like human hair than fur, and Yorkies shed hair the way humans do. 

If you are thinking about getting a Yorkie, make sure that you do your research on them to know that you are getting the right dog for you. You want everyone to be happy with the situation for years to come and to have a dog that you are going to love.