3 Signs That Show It's Time To Take Your Pet To The Vet

16 June 2022
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog


As a pet owner, it is imperative that you are aware of the signs that indicate that it is time to schedule an appointment for veterinary services. The health of your pet could suffer if you do not catch warning signs fast enough. To help make sure that your pet is going to be able to stay as healthy as possible, you will want to learn about the following signs of trouble:

Your Pet Is Dry Heaving

You probably do not have anything to worry about if your pet does a little dry heaving and then gets right back to their happy selves. However, if this appears to be ongoing and a problem, then you will want to take them to the vet. There could be an illness that their body is trying to fight off or they could have eaten something that was not good for them. Your vet should be able to get to the route of the problem.

Your Pet Has Stopped Eating And Drinking 

Your pet might refrain from eating or drinking for a day if they are feeling under the weather, just like people do. However, if it lasts longer than a day, you should have them checked out by a vet. You do not want them to become dehydrated, which can happen quickly. Dehydration can result in additional problems on top of the problem that caused them to lose their thirst and appetite in the first place.

Your Pet Is Walking Funny

Whether it seems as though they are having trouble getting up to walk or they are walking into walls, it is an issue that needs to be checked out by the vet. There could be a problem with their joints or eyes, or they could have even had a stroke. The vet will be able to examine your pet and run the proper tests to find out what is wrong.

Now that you have a better understanding of when it might be time to seek out pet services, you will want to discuss this with your family. This way, should you be away for the weekend or simply at work, they too will know what to look for in your pet when trying to determine if vet care is needed. Make sure that you are searching for a reputable vet that is nearby so you can make an appointment for a checkup if you do not already have a vet that you use. This will establish your pet as a patient there, making it easier to be seen in emergencies or when you are worried about something with your pet.