What To Do Before Bringing Your White Labrador Puppy Home

15 September 2022
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog


After careful consideration of all puppies available, finally deciding on a white Labrador retriever is an excellent choice. The playful pups are popular family pets. A priority now is the happiness and health of the new four-legged family member. The reminders below will make sure any new pet parent can meet those needs.

Find a Veterinarian

While searching for white Labrador retrievers for sale, people carefully review breeders to ensure they get a healthy dog. The choice of a reliable veterinarian also promotes better health. Preventative health care makes it easier for dogs to live long and comfortable lives. Most breeders provide the first vaccinations for their pups, but experts recommend additional protection every few weeks throughout the first year. Other treatments, like heartworm medications, should also begin when many owners bring their new furry friend home.

Prepare the House

Most puppies have seemingly endless energy and a curious nature. To entertain them, consider investing in a collection of toys. Labradors are retrievers, so balls and other toys they can collect and return to their owner are fun and educational. Puppies also need to chew, so look for durable dog toys.

Also include some safety measures. Put hazardous chemicals or electrical cords out of reach. Invest in puppy training pads because every new pet has a few accidents during the learning process. Crates, dishes, and a sturdy collar and leash are also necessities. Know what food the breeder has provided the pup and consider the continued use of this brand, or slowly wean the dog onto a new formula. A fast swap of food brands can cause an upset stomach in dogs.

Plan for Exercise

Exercise helps to burn off some of that Labrador energy and prevent boredom. A bored puppy will find entertainment on its own, and that fun may include a lot of chewing and barking. Exercise also keeps them at a healthy weight so they have fewer health risks as they age. Labradors have natural retrieving instincts and high intelligence, so consider games that draw on these skills. Walks are also fun and are a fantastic way for the dog to show off its human pack to the neighborhood.

New pet owners should look carefully for the perfect white Labrador puppies for sale before they choose the pet they want. They then need to put as much effort into preparing themselves and their home for the life they want to give their new friend. The reward of a few extra hours of preparing is a happy dog they can have in their life for many years.

To learn more, look for a breeder that has white Labrador puppies for sale